WorkAbility in partnership with local Aboriginal communities in the Eurobodalla, Bega Valley and Snowy-Monaro Shires aims to create and improve employment outcomes for Aboriginal people with disability.  Our purpose is to ensure that Aboriginal people with a Disability are included in the workforce and supported into long term sustainable employment.

Our Philosophy

WorkAbility believes that every Aboriginal person has the right to an employment pathway. We prepare Aboriginal people with a disability for the world of work and provide an open employment pathway that is culturally safe and respectful.


The model

Aboriginal people and their families are at the centre of the Strategy and will be supported by WorkAbility through every stage until employment is secured.


We aim to:

  • “Close the Gap” in Employment for Aboriginal People with Disability
  • Mentor and support each individual
  • Provide a holistic approach to employment
  • Work closely with “Ticket to Work” networks to support School Based Traineeships and Apprenticeships in our regions
  • Provide supported referrals to external services providers

You are invited to partner with us

If you are an employer we would like to have your support to build the network. This might mean that you would like to employ an Aboriginal person with a disability or promote the Employment Strategy to your suppliers and contacts in your industry.
If you are a jobseeker and would like support to find employment we would like to help.